Our Services

Ohohho has no desire to be the supplier nor the buyer in the travel industry. The company aim is to facilitate buyer and seller to trade directly with one another. Ohohho uses technologies know how to create a conducive and compatible environment for buyers and sellers to trade.


Accommodation Distribution Solution

Leveraging on the technologies and experiences of the parent company in Thailand, Ohohho develops “HotelsTrack.” HotelsTrack is a distribution platform or a market place where buyers and sellers aggregate. It is the Super Corridor leading distributor to the buyers.

With more than 200 certified XML connections, this translate opportunities for distributors to trade with these potential buyers. With intelligent architecture and in-depth understanding of networking, adopting both hybrid model of servers hosting in Cloud and server farm, HotelsTrack is capable to handle the enormous number of searches by big branded B2C websites.

This brings forth a change to the industry whereby now suppliers of all sizes and without technical capability are able to ride on HotelsTrack to supply to the big online websites today.